APMC मंडी में गुजरात 3 जनवरी 2020 के नवीनतम दर अन्य किस्मों की दरें।

The latest rates for other varieties are up to January 3, 2020 at APMC Mandi in Gujarat.

गुजरात में एपीएमसी मंडी में 3 जनवरी 2020 तक अन्य किस्मों की नवीनतम दरें हैं।

Price of Cotton(કપાસ) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Peanut(મગફળી) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Paddy(rice) ડાંગર (ચોખા) on APMC  on 03-01-2020

Price of Wheat(ઘઉં) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Pearl millet (બાજરો) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Sorghum (જુવાર) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Chickpea (ચણા) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Onion(ડુંગળી) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Price of Pigeon pea (તુવેર) on APMC on 03-01-2020

Every day we will give you information about APMC mandi rates of Gujarat crops for farmer friends.

लोकप्रिय लेख